Creative Custom Homes

custom homes

Custom home trends are worth a look, especially given the forecasts that Florida property will be a good investment over the next few years. The major upside of custom homes is the potential to get creative. There are so many fun things you can do to personalize or maximize your space. There are also so many changing outlooks that are influencing custom home trends; the energy conscious approach has led to some innovative home improvements, the minimalist approach has changed the face of home design, the eco-friendly approach has us looking to reuse materials and bring more of the outdoors indoors. It is an immensely exciting time for anyone working on their custom home.

Energy Efficiency

  • Windows

    If you are building, or looking for trending energy efficient upgrades to make to your home, you will have come across the growing use of e-glass. Ensuring that your windows are not corrupting the energy efficiency of your home is becoming kind of a big deal.

  • Appliances

    Of course we need to consider energy use when it comes time to upgrade our appliances. Stylistically speaking, it is no longer enough for them to be pretty they also have to be energy efficient.

  • Green With Envy

    The more ways that you can turn your home green, the trendier you’ll be. This is not merely a selling point, but something that has an impact on how your home will be viewed socially. It was also save you money with lower utility bills.

Custom Space Control

  • Behind Door Number One

    Closets and their newfound uses are a treat for the imagination. It may not be a trend here yet, but the unique appeal of this trend is bound to grow in influence everywhere. Stories of people hiding built in bars, man-caves, and crafting rooms behind doors open the imagination to endless possibilities.

  • Awkward To Awesome

    Turning odd and therefore un-used space around has the potential to become a definite trend. Whether the space is too small for anything but a bold statement arrangement, or it becomes a wine cellar or indoor hanging garden is all up to the creative beholder.

  • Fold It Right There!

    The idea to create furniture that folds away into a much smaller space, or converts easily for a different use, may have started out being useful for small homes (a minimalist concept home also growing in popularity) but the benefits cannot be ignored. Plus it just looks like fun to be that person who turns a wall into a dining area as if by sheer will-power. This is excellent for maximizing entertainment spaces, and even home office ideas.

Keeping Up Appearances

  • Up The Garden Path

    Walkways leading up to the door are being designed to create the appearance of being elongated – winding through the garden is an option to achieve this. Or a long, narrow path with pillars and other structures to create the illusion of length can be another method of fitting this trend into your home.

Make Room For…

  • Master Bedroom

    This room is being made into a quiet and serene space for its owners to retreat to. A sitting area in the room, a larger bath in the en-suite – it all comes down to unwinding. Wall paper in the bedroom has seen a comeback, and the bold patterns predicted for 2018 might suggest it’s not going anywhere as a trend just yet.

  • Kitchen Niche

    The kitchen has taken on several trends that seem mostly based on social aspects. Plenty working space is being created by clever covered sinks and hidden cupboards and appliances are created for a tidy look, which is also influenced by the minimalist approach. Lots of light adds to the growing desire to get rid of any questionably dark spaces. Counter-tops are doubling up as eating spaces, and it remains a trend to keep it open, despite the fact that open-plan might be fizzling out as a trend.

To The Touch

  • Textures

    Re-used wood, amongst other very recyclable materials, is being used to find our way back to nature. This will complement the indoor and hanging gardens that grew in popularity all of last year (thinking that trend has some staying power).

  • Material World

    Velvet and fringe will be added to everything from furniture to fixtures, as the prediction goes. As a throwback trend, this is a very specific look and feel. It may not be ideal for Florida’s heat, and so we can be thankful that white marble isn’t going anywhere. Even if you choose against the velvet and fringe, the jewel colors will be gorgeous next to the classic crisp white that never goes out of style.

  • Let It Glow

    The one accent that every home (possibly every room) is going to need is lighting. There are already exquisite ranges of pieces and methods of incorporating this look into a space. The effect can be custom built into your home instead of it being a removable attraction, adding a bit of value. This has the capacity to change absolutely any space, from entrances to entertainment areas, to bathrooms and bedrooms.

Trends come and go, so be selective and be informed as to how permanent it is by considering the effort and expense of changing these in the future. Hiring a custom home professional who is passionate about new stuff but also knowledgeable enough to give apt advice will ensure you experience nothing but joy from your choices.

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